
Well, I'm behind on posting this, but hopefully you know by now that I released the stop-motion animation, "Trash" on Newgrounds.com last week. At first no one seemed to take notice and it suffered a low score and didn't win a single daily award. Luckily a few days later it was featured on the front page and then everyone seemed to love it! It ended up getting weekly 5th place and the "review crew pick" which means it was the highest reviewed movie of the week! Anyway, the movie was actually made in 1999 by André (aka "gel") and I BEFORE we made "Spin". It doesn't really have much of a story but it was an interesting exercise in utilizing the "peoplemation" technique. I decided we should show it to people after all these years so a few weeks ago I composed some new music for it and put it up.

I finally redesigned the page for purchasing one of my albums. Check it out and buy an album while you're there!

Oh yeah, and I don't want to jinx myself, but I think I'm FINALLY done with the "ultra-secret-biopharmaceutical animation"! That was one gnarly project. Too bad no one will really get to see it except the employees of said company.